July 11, 2010

Fireworks and Fun with Freinds

Today we went to our friends The Kelly's for a cookout and fireworks. Adriana had a birthday party in the afternoon then she joined us later with the Kelly's daughter, Nora. Daddy stayed home for the afternoon to do some yard work! James and I enjoyed the company of the company of the Kelly Family just playing and chatting. James loves to play and it is always fun to play with his friend Robert.
The Fireworks tonight were sadly to say far superior to the fireworks we say at Niagara Falls on the 4th of July. Clinton does a great job! I'm really glad we were able to see them. Wish we had more pictures but I didn't bring my camera. The children were so excited when it started getting dark totally anticipating the fireworks. They got those glow in the dark lights and were having so much fun with them I'm not sure how much of the fireworks they saw in the end. Thanks Jim and Becky for having us over today we truly enjoyed out day!! The Kelly family is really great company with interesting conversation.

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