August 21, 2010


Who takes pictures of their feet?!?!?!

I am that crazy person. I have to say that I have only had a few day of swelling this summer but those day really did me in. The occasions: getting a pedicure? I question that relaxing day and I don't believe that my feet should have swelled but they did. Maybe it was because of all the itme we journeyed Maine. The second time was after a day of walking at OSV (Old Sturbridge Village). Yes that was a long day and I totally see why my felt like my feet were a ballon and were swore. I am thankful that my feet don't feel this way every day! Thank you Lord!

There doesn't seem to be any rhyme or reason for the swelling though. I really thought I would have swelling after walking into Breakheart but no my feet were fine. Davis Farmland even after getting stuck there longer then I planned - nothing!! I guess I can't complain and just plain have to be thankful to God that even in this hot summer my feet haven't gotten it to badly!!!

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