We are in the middle of the of a heat wave!!

What are some of the things you do to stay cool?
In the summer when if is really hot we like to do go the free movies and we spend alot of time at Spec Pond. I realize that being pregnant I really enjoy swimming and both of my children are water babies!!!! James is a bit fearless but I just sit at the edge of the pond when I'm not in there with him. And I am lucky so far he listens well except when he is in his boat!! Horray for Spec Pond and Sterling Beach which we will spend a little more time at this year. Thanks to Anne Hougham 

James filling is bucket with water!

Adriana and James digging in the sand and filling it with water. Playing well together!

James: I love my little boat and as you can see I can float out as far as I want without my Mama!!! Mama doesn't like that very much and she does come out to get me when I go to far from her!

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