The forth of July was on a Sunday this year. After mass we went to my Grandfathers to head down to Niagara falls. We were taking Grandma Mabel and Uncle Nelson to the falls with us. When we go to Grandpa's we had a friendly surprise Dominique! She is Grandma Mabel's other granddaughter and only a year older than Adriana!! They had so much fun together in the first hour we know we would have to bring her with us for the day. Adriana loved the company!
We wanted to go to Niagara Falls and be tourists, Maid of the Mist, Cave of the Winds, maybe the Aquarium, and Discovery Museum, but due to so many people, really long lines and prego mama we decided the odds were against us.
Adriana, Dominique, and James about an hour after they met!! Totally hitting it off!

The wonderful power of the water at Niagara! This is on the little island close to the Cave of the winds!!
Mama with Adriana and James in front of American Falls!Why do children love to scare their moms by climbing on rails. Niagara Falls is very powerful which is what makes it so beautiful and scary!!!

James and Daddy take a walk.
Waiting for Daddy and James to come back from there walk Mama took Adriana and Dominique to see the falls up close. It was really cool because we were able to go down were the "Maid of the Mist takes off and to the observation deck.

At the bottom of the falls (you can barely see the falls between them)

At the bottom of the falls (you can barely see the falls between them)
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