December 16, 2012 Gaudette Sunday - Rejoice
Dear Friends and Family,
Mama and Daddy with Peter Francis |
Our family highlights for this year include mom and the children taking a month long trip to Missouri and back visiting many famous sites and also many friends we have not seen in a long time. We visited Amanda and the boys in January, went on many family hikes, joined a homeschooling co-op (families teaching together), and went on lots of field trips. We hope to find you and your family well this Christmas and New Year.
Adriana (8) took her first horseback riding lessons this summer. She was a natural and hopes to go again soon. She really enjoyed our trip to Missouri. She loved learning and seeing the Abe Lincoln sites. Her favorite site on the trip was Jefferson Expansion Gateway Arch Tower in St. Louis, MO. She loved going to the top of the arch. She, like her mother, really enjoys planning. She planned her birthday party months in advance. The best part was, after all her planning, she enjoyed every minute of her birthday. She loves the summer and enjoyed swimming and drama camp most. She was really looking forward to having a new sibling. She prayed for a girl but lovingly held Peter has much as she could in the 24 hours he was with us. She asks a lot of question about Peter's death. She is sad at times but she understands God's will and is glad to know a saint in heaven.
James (4) is lovingly known as our little nerd. He is in preschool and his teacher would be happy to just let him play with his little brother, but he insists on learning. He is learning his letters, sounds, shapes, numbers, and colors. He loves to make pictures. He is our little artist. For his birthday he received a Mass set and he loves to say Mass for the family. James' most memorable quote (after seeing Fr. Peter and Fr. Anthony co-celebrating Mass), "Mama can Fr. Peter and Fr. Anthony come over to say mass with me?" He really loves playing with Lego's and other toys in the playroom. Like his sister has favorite place on our trip was the Jefferson Expansion Gateway Arch. We look forward to seeing how James blossoms this year!
Thomas (2) has grown so much over this past year. He is very mischievous and we lovingly call him either "Thomas Naughty Niall" or "Thomas the Terror." He still loves to sing and dance. He is always singing the Alleluia during Mass (even when it is not that part of the Mass). He has recently started talking in full sentences. Even when he is mischievous his cuteness keeps him from getting in too much trouble. He has started to say "hello" to Our Lord as we drive past churches. He has also started being a loving cuddly little boy. Thomas' quote of the year after watching Fr. Peter dump a huge basket of candy on the table - "Fr. Peter dump it!"
Wishing you and your family a Merry Christmas and a Blessed New Year!!!
Michael, Adrianne, Adriana, James and Thomas Niall
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