We took a ride to visit our good friends the Wilson's. It was nice that Mr. and Mrs. Wilson sweetlyremembered to say Happy Birthday to Adriana when we arrived. This was the first time they had seen here since her birthday!!! Mrs. Wilson got Adriana's birthday bag as Evan and James sang Happy Birthday!
Shortly after opening her present we all got into our swim suits and went outside. The children first played in the rock park on the side of the house. They have a sand box, water table and large plastic slide!
Was we approached the pool we were introduced to the two frogs, Chocolate and ??? (I forget the second frogs name) , that live in the Wilson's pool.
We didn't know we were going to be able to swim with the frogs at the Wilson's pool. It was free of charge, lol!

James wasn't and really hasn't been big on playing in pool water. He gets cold (bored) fast!!! He was enjoying putting his feet in for a while!
Here Evan! I got it!!
We enjoyed a nice yummy pizza lunch!! And after fruit pops for the children and yummy iced coffee for the mama's!!!
The best part is that Mama and Mrs. Wilson were able to enjoy a few different topics of conversation. As all mama's know that doesn't always happen when there are children around! Our family will be praying for yours in a special way, Heather. We love you!
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