This weekend was filled with lots of activity.
As usual James and I started our day off late. Then I realized I forgot his 3 week pictures at home. I had to turn around to pick them up. On the second begining James was very fusy. He is such a good baby and this hardly every happens, although he is not big on car trips. He was crying so much that I hardly left Clinton when I stopped at Bolton Roadhouse (this is where we get our pizza every Friday night) to calm him down. Once we were able to get on the road we went to visit with G-Nana.

G-Nana was really excited to see James once again. She was also dissappointed that Adriana wasn't able to make the visit. Boy it was a quite visit without her. G-Nana and Auntie Denise where the only family member awake and home. We all enjoyed our short visit. I wanted to stay longer because Lourdes (my aunt) was making Eggrolls. She is from the Phillipines and she make great eggrolls, but she and my uncle were still sleeping when I left. She was making the eggrolls espeially for my visit. Everyone else got to enjoy them. :( Well there is always next time.
When I left G-Nana's house I ewent to meet Heather for lunch at
I order a clam plate (must have clams on Friday). Well any fish but at
Kelly's Roast Beef I had to have the full belly clams. Heather ordered a Jr. Roast Beef with sauce and mayo, that is what I would have order if it wasn't Friday. Yummy!!!!
Heather's son Evan is 10 months now. It is hard to believe. They grow so fast. He was really testing her that day. It actually started the night before when he didn't want to sleep and only finally fell asleep in the swing. Boy don't all of us mothers know and dislike this phases. Then at the restaurant he didn't want to eat his lunch. It turned out he didn't like the new Earth's Best summer veggies she was trying to feed him. He ate the yogurt and snack food just fine. I'm still on easy street with James, he just slept through lunch.
Once we leaft Kelly's Roast Beef we meet at

(Babies R' Us) in Peabody for a nursing session. I got there before Heather and started nursing James with no problem. Once Heather got there she tried to nurse Even. Again, the 10 month old curious child came out. He wouldn't nurse because he wanted to see everything else going on. Heather gave up quickly and figured she could get in some shopping and try again later. I shopped for just a few minutes before it was time to be off to my next stop, the Dooley's.
Heather and Evan in the nursing room. Doesn' Evan look so innocent.
I went to pick up the Anne Dooley and her mother, Sue, to head into Boston for the

. I wanted to see Kimberely Hahn,

. Unfortunetly we got stuck in traffic and a little lost. The ride in should have taken us 30 minues possibly and hour with traffic. It took us 2.5 hours to get the the college. Better late than never. By the time we got to Boston College (BC) we had missed the first speaker of the night, luckily it wasn't Kimberely. James got fusy in the car thank goodness Anne was driving so I was able to comfort him.
Kimberely's talk was great. It was on being humble. I really needed to hear alot of what she said. I also had a great confession. The priest also said what I needed to hear, thanks Fr. Michael. The drive home was much less dramatic it took us the usually 30 minute drive. Once the Dooley/Rzasa Family was dropped I drove home to Clinton. Finally the long funfilled day was over.
This day wa not as fun fullied at Friday because James and Mama really need to recover. We stayed in most of the day and cleaned around the house. We have moved Adriana's room into where the office used to be and made her old room into the office/playroom. We were trying to staighten it out a little. Daddy ofcourse needed to go do a little car work. He took Adriana and let mama purge Adriana's closet. This was a big job. We decided to consign some clothes because Adriana has way too many plus we only have a little apartment so we are getting ride of some of the clothes we had saved for her. Mama went through some of those clothes too. I'm at the 18 - 24 month clothes. That is my next project. James was really good for me. He allowed me to get a lot of work done. He loves to just to hang out sometimes.
We went to our usually Mass at the Abbey. I stayed for a short visit after mass then James and I went to my friend Lindsey's Blessing Way. What is a Blessing way you ask? A Blessing Way is a celebration of motherhood and new life. Celebrating motherhood instead of the traditional baby shower. We decorated a birthing t-shirt, brought beads to make a birthing necklace, and made a positive birth eperience collage with pictures from our births. She also requested images of the Madonna and Child, St. Anne (patroness of pregnant and nursing mothers) or St. Monica (patroness of mothers) to be added to her college.

After the Blessing Way I rushed home to finish the dinner I had put in the croco pot for our friends the Dooley's. I got home to daddy and Adriana in bed because they forgot the Dooley's were coming. No big deal they got up and about thirty or so minutes later the Dooley's were here. We had a great visit. Green chilli and turkey soup for dinner. For deesert Mr. Niall made chocolate cookies and we had ice cream sandwhiches, yummy!! The children played outside while we cleaned up and enjoyed each other's company.
Eion was so cute, he wanted to hold James really badly. He did a great job. I'm sure he can't wait for his new little brother.
Daddy decided to give James a ride on his shoulders.
Joseph is enjoying his dessert. You can see the cookie on his face.
Joseh also really wanted to hold James, but he really didn't know what to do with a screaming baby. I guess he is learning what it will be like with a real baby in the house.
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