The Little Boys and Girls plus the Big Boys and Girls clubs had a great time apple picking today. The Beirne Family really made our group feel welcome. I think the moms and Jarrett Connor (the only dad on the scene) had as much fun as the children. We started off with the children playing in the "Crooked House" and posing behind the John Appleseed and the apple tree. Next we went picking, then we had cookies and cider, and finally back to the the Crooked House, posing picture, and feeding the animals. Thanks Mr. Bernie for giving the children grain to feed the animals. Check all the pictures from trip below.
The Crooked House and Posing Pictures

Christina and her sister posing in the Apple Tree.

"Hi Mama, I'm in the window"
Andrew posing in front of the "Crooked House"
Johnny and Stephen playing with the Crooked House
Stephen as Johnny Appleseed and Johnny as and apple.

Apple Johnny

I love Johnny posing as Johnny Appleseed.
Hay Ride to the Orchard
Brian, Moria, Nora, and Susanna hanging out on the hayride.
Look at
Adriana and Eleanor peering over the trailer to see whatever is coming next.
Mr. Beirne giving the rules of the orchard. I think he said just don't touch my apples in the big crates. And Mac's that way and Jongaolds that way
Adriana and Eleanor eating the first apple they can find.
Backpack Moms. Mo was around with Greta in a pack too.
Who's hiding in the apple tree?

Adriana joining in on the Kelly family picture.
Ana, Jane, and Adriana eating apples while picking apples.
There's Mo with Greta on her back. Mo, Heather, Greta and Eleanor
A picture from up high.

Mama's picking while baby wearing.
A short video apple picking and inspecting apples.

Eating the same apple?
Heading back to the Hayride.
One more shot of a mom, Anne, picking apples
Look at those gorgeous trees behind the tractor.
Adriana and Eleanor on the trailer still eating apples. Is that the best part about apple picking. I think so, I love eating apples in an apple orchard.
Lawrence enjoying the hayride.
Mr. Beirne helping the moms and children off the trailer
Time for Cookies and Cider
Adriana N., Briana and Adriana S. waiting for their cookies and cider.
Emma, Luke, and Brianna (Big Girls with a little brother) waiting for there cookies and cider

Susanna, Nora, and Hannah enjoying cookies and cider.
More Poses and Crooked HouseFrancis as a tree
Mrs. Bernie came with four of her six children to say "hello" to the ladies and let the boys play with the other children for a little while. Shelia and the newest member of the family Bernadette.
Animal feeding and petting
The Family we left behind
Accidental we left the orchard without one family. We found them when they walked up the hill from the orchard. Sorry Jarrett and girls.
Back to the Crooked House
Eleanor's in the house.
Brianna's in the house.
Sorry if I didn't get pictures of everyone especially the Big Boys. They were playing football and I am not sure what they were doing in the orchard. But I had fun with the picture I did get. Enjoy!

Thank you Gerard, Shelia, and Family