Today we went to the Museum of Science for "Free Museum Day." Adriana decided to invite her friend Samuel because we haven't played with him in a long time. It was a long day but so much fun.
Our journey to the museum started at Malden train Station. This must have been one of the funniest parts of the adventure, taking the train.
Getting off the train ready to walk to the Museum of Science.
First exhibit at the Museum of Science. We meet up with the Dooley/Rzasa Party. You can see Mrs Dooley in the background.

A surprise guest appearance from the Urban's. We had no idea our friends Ben and Rebecca were at the museum until we ran into a friend of Rebecca's. What are the odds we would be at the museum much less run into each other.

One of the all time favorite activities at the museum. You can see Ben and his sister (Josie) playing the piano along with all the children. Adults have just as much fun on the piano if not more. ( I know it it side ways. I still haven't learned that I can't take videos side ways.)

We went to the Electric show but James got bored so we went and played with the glass balls that send energy away from your hand. I thought it was neat that James touched it. James' hand and Mama's hand. (above)
James and Clara.
Adriana playing with electricity.