Today James Raphael was Baptized a child of God, AMEN!!! The sin of Adam and Eve was washed away. He is pure!!! The Baptism was beautiful.
Fr. Peter Connelly O.S.B. celebrated the baptism at St. Benedict Abbey in Still River, MA.
His Godparents are Bob and Peg Murphy very good friends of our family.
Fr. Peter made very beautiful programs for all our guests to follow. He was great. He made everyone laugh, especially Adriana, as only Fr. Peter can. He made Adriana feel very special allowing her to be part of the baptism. He joked about James Raphael becoming a monk and us naming all of our boys after the Monks. James Raphael is the name of two of the monks at the Abbey. - Thanks you Fr. Peter for making this day specail for us.

Blessing Baby James, even Adriana got to bless him.

His sins are washed away, in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.
His is now baptized!!
The lighting of the candle.
Mama getting to hold James again. Mama's blessing.
Unknown to us when we decided to schedule James' baptism today is also the feast of St. Joseph, which is usually celebrated on March 19th. (In 2008, if the feast of St. Joseph were to be celebrated as usual on March 19, it would fall on the Wednesday of Holy Week the Vatican has decided that the dates of the feast of St. Josephwill be moved. St. Joseph will be celebrated March 15, the day before Palm Sunday.) Adriana's baptism is on the Assumption of Mary August 15th so now we have Mary and Joseph feast day. Yes, we will celebrate James baptismal day on St. Joseph's day. We celebrate baptismal days instead of birthdays (they are more important.)
He is Baptized!!!!

Fr. Peter holding Baby James.
Thanks to Louise and Rebecca for taking picture.