We went to Rhododendron State Park at, what was suppose to be, the height of rhododendron season. This was the only rhododendron we saw!!! :(
One of the hobbies Michael and Adrianne have in common is hiking. They decide that this summer they would have a few relaxing weekends hiking. It was fun and Adriana joining both hiking and riding on Daddies shoulders. Toward the end of the summer Mama go to tried to go hiking so we look forward to our hikes next summer.
First Family Hike of the season. Wachusett Mountain, June 23, 2007.

At the summit of Mt. Wachusett.

A pit stop for Mama on the way up!!!

Daddy Climbing a tree. Silly Daddy!!!

See Adriana loves daddy's shoulders.
Our next hike was to Rhododendron State Park climbing Little Monadnock. There is a great view of Mt. Monadnock at the summit. July 22, 2007
Family pose with Mt Monadnock in the back. Getting a ride down the mountain.
We took one more hike before mama got to tired for the hikes. We went to Leominster State Park and then went swimming. This was the hike that did mama in. She was tired for days after this hike. August 19, 2007. Three hikes in one season was pretty good I think.